martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Película: Ultraviolet

Hacía mucho tiempo que quería ver la película de Ultraviolet, desde que salio, pero como por esa época era pobre, pequeña y no tenía internet, estaba aislada. Pero el otro día la vi colgada y la bajé (siiiiiiii bajo películas ilegalmenteeeeee sindeeee).
Había leído varias críticas de esta película y todas eran para mal. ¿A nadie le había gustado la película o que? Pues parece ser que no :(

Pero quité todo prejuicio de mi cabeza y me dispuse a verla.

A partir de aquí puede haber fragmentos de la "trama" de la película.

La película comienza con un "opening" a modo de manga/cómic muy cool.

Con la voz de la protagonista nos introduce en su historia. Pienso que en este inicio debería haber dicho algo así como:
"Hola soy Violet (la llamo Violet, porque Violeta no me gusta) y os voy a contar lo que me ocurrió un día, así a grandes rasgos y obviando que no sabéis de que va todo esto, XoXo"

Nos introducen en un futuro donde un virus (en principio creado para mejorar el ejército) ha infectado a diversas personas convirtiéndolas en lo que llaman hemófagos. Se trata de unos seres "mejorados" (más rápidos, con mejores reflejos... máquinas de matar) que llevan de cabeza al gobierno

(como veis en la imagen, tienen unos métodos de identificación de hemófagos muy bestias) y que son tratados como peste, escoria o indeseables. De su persecución desencadena las llamadas "Guerras de sangre". Como su nombre indica, hemófago es alguien que te la chupa toda, la sangre digo. Pero en la película no vemos mucha sangre la verdad, es como si la gente en lugar de sangre tuviera gas.
Nuestra protagonista, Violet (interpretada por Milla Jovovich) es una hemófaga que odia a los humanos por el trato despectivo que le están dando a todos los hemófagos, y esta muy resentida ya que por culpa de la enfermedad, ella perdió un bebé.

Como en todas las películas que sale Milla, es todo cuerpo y belleza (porque reconozco que esta chica es mona). Y en esta película no es para menos. Luce unos modelos estupendos y un pelo pantene precioso que a veces le cambia de color negro a morado.

Al igual que sus ropas (no entendí del todo por qué le cambia el color del pelo o de la ropa, es como una camaleona).

De algo que te das cuenta al ver la película, es que al cámara le gustaban mucho los ojos de la actriz, porque creo que el 70% de los planos son ojos y ojos y ojos de ella.

Con gafas o sin gafas.

Aunque si os fijáis, parece que nuestros amigos los hemófagos (vampiros vamos, porque todos tienen colmillitos ^.^ y llevan bastante bien lo de ir bajo la luz del sol con gafas ray-ban)

tienen todos unos ojazos de infarto, hasta el niño protagonista, el arma y el centro de esta película.

Ojos de Violet

De su "aminemigo" hemófago

Y de Seis, el niño clave.

O han usado kilos de lentillas o es todo digital o natural, ahí dejo la duda.
La película es muy visual, como una escena virtual de un videojuego pero extendida 88 minutos. A mi personalmente me encantan las escenas de vídeo de los videojuegos, tengo vistas las del Final Fantasy mil veces, y si me pones delante una película que es todo escenas al estilo videojuego, me tienes ahí hasta que acabe.

Ah, los uniformes de los guardias exteriores me recordaron a la primera guerra mundial.

Durante toda la película vemos diferentes modelitos que luce Violet, y todos le quedan perfectos con esas botas a lo Ayumi Hamasaki.

Una sorpresa que me dio la película fue ver al actor William Fichtner, haciendo de Garth, un científico (detective del FBI Alexander Mahone en la conocida serie de Prison Break) con colmillitos!

Nunca imaginé que pudiera verlo tan sexy, (por cierto, otro que tiene ojazos) ya se que tiene su edad no me interpretéis mal, pero me gustaría que mi marido futuro con 53 años se mantuviera así de guapo. Lo malo fue, como toda la historia, que no dio tiempo a conocer a los personajes, su historia. Con lo cual nos quedamos sin saber mucho de ninguno.

Un detalle adicional, NO HAY sexo. Extraño en todas las películas de hoy en día, no me lo creía cuando lo vi!! Eso si, tranquilos que hay un desnudo.

Hay un anime de Ultraviolet que bajaré cuando pueda para verlo, a ver si aquí se explayan más con la historia, porque a mi no me pareció mala, pero faltaron horas de metraje para explicar muchas mas cosas.

Conclusión, yo la volvería a ver porque soy así de rara, ahora vosotros me contaréis que os pareció la película ^o^

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Tutorial: Fabricar los auriculares de Magnet - Vocaloid


Hace tiempo me planteé fabricarme unos auriculares basados en la canción (y fan art) de Magnet, de Vocaloid.

Al principio lo quería para hacer un cosplay, pero al final me di cuenta que no tendría donde lucirlo, ya que juré no volver a ningún evento español de manga. Así que decidí acabar los auriculares porque me parecían bonitos y quedan muy bien de decoración personal, además de que me encanta hacer manualidades y cositas así (la satisfacción de crear algo y que salga bien aumenta mi precioso ego).

Este tutorial va a ser un poco largo, ya sea por las imágenes o por las explicaciones, pero quiero ser lo más explicativa posible, si de todas formas después de leerlo aún tenéis preguntas, no dudéis en escribirlas.


El material: (en total)

- Unos auriculares (en los chinos o las tiendas de todo a 100 (a 1 € actualmente) tienen variedad de auriculares de estos grandes, como los de vocaloid vaya, seguro que encontráis unos que os sirvan, la gracia está en que veáis que se puedan desmontar para luego sujetar las alas. Los míos me costaron 7 euros)

- Cola blanca (aunque al final acabé utilizando pegamento de contacto)

- Goma eva negra, de la fina, de venta en cualquier casa de manualidades. Mínimo, 4 piezas de A4.

- Cartulina azul (o rosa, verde, amarilla o del color del vocaloid que más os guste). Yo utilicé un separador azul de los que usamos en el colegio en las carpetas, queda más brillante y deja pasar la luz a través de él, con lo cual le da un efecto cool.

-Tijeras, folios blancos, alfileres, rotulador negro, cutter, y una mesa que no sea la del salón.

-Brillantitos, adornos brillantes, o purpurina con pegamento.

-Pinta uñas azul (o del mismo color que la cartulina que elijáis) y pinta uñas negro.

- Rotulador permanente plateado.


Lo primero es imprimir un patrón para poder hacer el detalle de las alas. (mejor imprimid varios por si acaso). Aquí tengo un patrón a medida tamaño A4 (sacado hace tiempo de algún devianart). Si se caduca el archivo, decídmelo.

Después, recortamos la silueta del ala.

(En la imagen hay un pene, quien lo encuentre, premio)

Y marcamos en la goma eva 4 siluetas, podemos marcarlas con tiza blanca, se va con un paño húmedo. Las recortamos.

Hacemos lo mismo con dos cartulinas azules, marcamos y recortamos la silueta de las alas.

Ahora tenemos que "vaciar" el modelo en papel del ala, es decir, las partes marcadas en el dibujo. Para ello es mejor utilizar un cutter. Hay que tener MUCHA paciencia, ya que el folio se puede romper rápidamente. Yo lo que hice fue hacerlo por partes, hice media ala y descansé para no desesperarme.

Una vez tengamos el modelo en papel del ala con todos sus huecos, lo utilizaremos de plantilla, y debemos hacer lo mismo (vaciar los huecos) en la goma eva.
Utilicé unos alfileres (como los taxidermistas de mariposas pero sin especímenes vivos) para clavar el modelo en papel en la goma eva y recortar directamente con un cutter para marcar la goma eva lo menos posible. Lo mismo de antes, mucha paciencia para no romper ni rasgar más de la cuenta la goma. Si os lleva varias tardes no importa, la cuestión es que ha de quedar precioso.

Hemos pasado la parte más difícil. Si todo ha salido bien, enhorabuena!!

Comparemos que todas las piezas son del mismo tamaño y que están perfectamente perfiladas y recortadas.

Ahora procedemos a pegarlas. Con mucho cuidado, encolamos la parte de la goma eva que irá apegada a la cartulina azul. Ha de quedar algo como esto. (Dejad secar lo suficiente, mejor no lo toquéis durante 1 dia entero y guardadlo con peso encima, libros por ejemplo).

Como veis en la imagen, añadí mi toque con unas perlas plateadas de purpurina, podéis adornar las alas como más os gusten, no hay un patrón fijo.

Puede que cuando tengáis pegadas las alas, os haga falta pulir el contorno con unas tijeras, hacedlo con cuidado.


Esto es opcional pero siempre queda muy bien, y más real.
Al rededor del auricular, pintad un círculo del mismo color que el de las alas, en este caso azul. Yo utilizo celofán para crear un contorno protegido por si me salgo y pinto donde no debo. (ver imagen de abajo)

También pinté unas líneas negras como podéis ver en los soportes de los auriculares. Así como dibujé con un color plateado unos símbolos en los auriculares (una clave de Fa, y un símbolo inventado).

Además, puse perlas en la punta del micrófono (se puede ver en las fotografías de abajo del todo), y como os dije antes, adorné las alas con perlas plateadas.

También puse perlas de purpurina en la parte de la "diadema" de los auriculares.


Ahora queda una parte muy delicada. Cómo sujetar las alas a los auriculares.
Yo desmonté el auricular entero (esto de desmontar y montar cosas lo tengo innato así que no me fue difícil, los auriculares siguen funcionando después de desmontarlos ^^).
Quité la espumilla, quité los tornillos y enganché las alas dentro del auricular sin tocar los cables, sujetándolas con celofán. Volví a cerrar el auricular, apretando y colocando los tornillos y puse de nuevo la espumilla. Como nuevos!!!

Si no podéis poner las alas desmontando los auriculares (en teoría todos pueden desmontarse...) siempre podéis pegarlas en el interior del auricular (la parte donde van las orejas), pero no os aseguro como llegará a quedar.

Y eso es todo!! Aquí el resultado!!!

Y se acabó!! Espero que esto sirva a alguien de guía ^o^


domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Mini-Tutorial:Como arreglar las letras de las teclas de un pc.

Yo utilizo mucho mi ordenador portátil, prácticamente a diario (prácticamente no, a diario y varias veces...). Obviamente el pc nota el uso, y una de las cosas que más rabia me da, es que las letras de las teclas comiencen a borrarse en las teclas que más se utilizan.
En mi caso, las letras de las teclas "A" "L" y "N" respectivamente. Mi pc tiene el teclado negro y letras blancas, y pensando como arreglarlas, me vino a la mente el pintauñas (esmalte de uñas) blanco que tenía al lado.

Así que os voy a explicar como arreglé las letritas de mi teclado. (Vale igualmente para un teclado blanco con letras negras, solo que el pintauñas a utilizar sería negro).

Primero preparé midiendo las teclas, una plantilla recortada en un trozo de cinta adhesiva (celo, celofán). Es muy fácil hacer esto, cogiendo un cuter, recortas la silueta de la letra que quieras pintar, para hacer una plantilla perfecta.

Colocamos la plantilla encima de la tecla pegándola bien. Y pintamos sobre la plantilla de manera que estaremos "escribiendo" la letra en el teclado. Ponemos las capas que hagan falta y esperamos a que seque.

Y ya está! al retirar la cinta adhesiva, habremos recuperado nuestra bonita tecla con su letra.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010

Película: Ballet Shoes

El otro día, cotilleando la wikipedia (exactamente el artículo sobre Emma Watson, Hermione en las películas de Harry Potter) vi que ella había protagonizado una película llamada Ballet Shoes. Me llamó la atención la sinopsis y la descargué. La encontré en películasyonkis, en inglés con subtítulos en español.

A partir de aquí se considera SPOILER.


La historia gira en torno de Pauline (Emma Watson), Petrova (Yasmine Paige) y Posy Fossil (Lucy Boynton), tres chicas adoptadas cuando eran niñas por el tio Matthew (Richard Griffits, Tio Vernon en Harry Potter) ya que sus madres las habían abandonado al nacer. A las tres les pusieron un apellido peculiar: Fossil (basado en la profesión de Matthew, arqueólogo).
En casa faltaba dinero, y las 3 chicas fueron reclutadas en una academia de ballet y arte que las ayudaría a ganar dinero en obras de teatro y danza. Pero cada chica tenía un sueño: Pauline quería ser actriz de cine ya que también amaba el teatro (en la época en la que está ambientada la película, el cine aún era en blanco y negro), Petrova quería ser aviadora y Posy quería ser bailarina como una vez lo fue su madre, de la que había heredado unas zapatillas de ballet. Las tres chicas, muy talentosas, juraron poder llegar a cumplir sus sueños por si mismas.

La película me gustó, no es una super producción de millones pero es una bonita historia. Pos supuesto, como en todas estas historias, el final es de "vivieron felices y comieron golosinas", pero eso no quita que pasemos una buena tarde viendo esta película ^^.

domingo, 22 de agosto de 2010

Fórmula de depilación: Cera de azúcar (Sugaring)

Hace un tiempo os comenté mi experiencia con la cera fria Taky. No fue muy satisfactoria y la cera está muy cara la verdad (10 euros un botecito de cera tibia :S) y no me apetecía gastarme dinero en algo que no sabría si me iría bien o mal, visto mis últimas experiencias.

Investigué un poco en internet sobre métodos de depilación: cuchillas descartadas, y cremas depilatorias como último recurso. La cera caliente descartada también ya que me irritó demasiado la vez que la probé.
Buscando buscando me encontré con un método de depilación casero y natural. Se trata de la depilación mediante cera de azúcar o sugaring. Mucha gente hablaba muy bien de este método, y lleva usándose desde la época de los egipcios, con lo cual si se sigue usando no debe ser tan mala, las mujeres en esto de la depilación son muy selectivas y si tienen que hablar mal de algo lo harán.

Así que busqué la receta para fabricarla. En ninguna web pone realmente las medidas (he llegado a ver medidas tan ridículas como 1 cucharada de azúcar y otra de agua ¬¬u). Sin embargo, en youtube hay almas caritativas que han subido videos enteros realizando y usando esta cera.
En muchos de los comentarios, hay chicas que se quejan de que no les salió bien al fabricar la cera, y esto me daba algo de miedo, por si echaba a perder los materiales utilizados. Pero ayer mismo me decidí a hacerlo y me salió perfecto!!!

Os pongo la preparación exacta tal cual la realicé yo, más un video (que no es mio) de una chica que lo hace para que veáis el procedimiento. Después os hablaré de la aplicación y los resultados ^.^



50 mililitros de Agua (equivale a 1/4 de taza, medida estándar de repostería)
50 mililitros de Zumo de limón (ídem, equivale a 1/4 de taza, medida estándar de repostería)
400 gramos de Azúcar (equivale a 2 tazas, medida estándar de repostería)
1 cacerola, cazo, cazuela, miniolla o como queráis llamarlo
1 varilla de batir

Buscad una cacerola que no sea nueva, por si se os quema el azúcar (no debería si seguís los pasos). Verted en ella los 400 gr. de azúcar (puede ser blanca o morena). Verted también los 50 mililitros de agua y de zumo de limón.

Encended el fuego (al máximo para que caliente rápido), y con las varillas de batir (o un tenedor si no tenéis varillas) removed y removed sin parar. El objetivo es que el azúcar se vuelva líquido junto con el zumo de limón y el agua, además de que no se os queme la mezcla. No paréis de remover desde que encendéis el fuego hasta que lo apaguéis.

Cuando comience a hervir, bajad el fuego al medio-mínimo, y seguirá hirviendo. La mezcla debe de ir cogiendo poco a poco un color dorado o ámbar. Y cuando tenga el color de la miel, apagad el fuego.

TRUCO: Para saber si está lista, coged un poco de la mezcla en una cuchara, y enfriadla del todo bajo el agua. Si podéis coger la mezcla con los dedos y hacer una bolita (como un chicle) es que está listo.

Buscad un recipiente donde podáis verter el contenido (y que posteriormente sirva para microondas por si necesitáis volver a calentar) y verted la mezcla de la olla en ese recipiente (algo ancho que os permita meter la mano para coger la cera).

Dejad que se enfrie. Os fijaréis que va haciéndose cada vez más espesa. Tened paciencia.

NOTA: Si os sale mal, siempre podéis calentar la mezcla y usarla de caramelo para merendar.


Os explicaré dos métodos de aplicación, ambos los he probado yo:

Método 1:

El típico método de la espátula y las tiras de algodón. Para ello la cera debe estar semi-líquida, pero sin quemar (cuidado que el azúcar quema mucho si lo calentáis demasiado!!!), solo tibia. Que os sea fácil aplicar la cera con una espátula y manejarla.
Aplicáis una fina capa de cera (más fina, más vello coge) en el sentido del crecimiento del vello. Poned una tira de algodón de las de depilar, apretad y tirad paralelos a la piel, como cualquier otra cera.

Método 2:

En este no utilizaremos bandas de algodón, y la cera ha de estar a temperatura ambiente prácticamente. Debéis ser capaces de poder coger una pelota de cera (como una pelota de golf) y redondearla sin que se os apegue o derrita en exceso, como un chicle.
Con esta pelota, aplicadla en dirección contraria al crecimiento del vello, como si vosotros fuérais la espátula, e inmediatamente, tirad en dirección al crecimiento del vello (se que suena raro, e incluso se puede usar en dirección contraria, pero personalmente es más difícil de aplicar).

Para quitaros los restos de cera basta con limpiar la piel con agua fria (o tibia, pero mejor fria para que cierre el poro). La cera se va también con agua en cualquier zona que manchéis o en los mismos recipientes que uséis. Si os cuesta, dejad en remojo los recipientes y se irá por si sola.


Basados en mi experiencia personal, los resultados son más que satisfactorios. Me quitó todos los vellos de las piernas, sin tanto dolor como otras ceras que había probado (este método duele menos que muchas ceras). Me dejó la piel super suave, ya que esta mezcla es exfoliante, y los restos de cera se fueron de manera muy sencilla.
También me dejó la piel menos roja que otras ceras la verdad, yo estoy tan blanca que esto es un logro.

Yo repetiría la experiencia, encima me sobró cera, y se puede guardar perfectamente tapada en un recipiente a temperatura ambiente.

Solo la he probado en las piernas, pero tengo entendido que sirve para casi cualquier zona del cuerpo ^^

EDIT: probada con éxito también en axilas y rostro, e ingles y brazos. Avisaré si pruebo más zonas.

Espero que os sirva esto! De verdad os animo a probarla.
He visto que venden también botes de esta cera, por si no se os da bien hacerla vosotros mismos. Pero ya es más cara en comparación con hacerla en casa, pero no os aseguro que esté hecha específicamente de ingredientes naturales.

sábado, 21 de agosto de 2010

Remedio casero contra la caída del cabello

No se si hablé de esto ya, pero ahí va. Hace unos meses, el pelo comenzó a caerseme de una manera muy fea. Creo que fue una mezcla de nervios, estrés, comer mal y el cambio de estación (bonito combo eh?). Por culpa de esta crisis roñosa, no tenia dinero para comprarme cápsulas en la farmacia o algo parecido, así que tiré de los llamados "remedios de la abuela".
Una amiga (miniclón) me dijo que el romero era bueno para el crecimiento del cabello y para prevenir su caída. Busqué por internet más opiniones y formas de aplicación y todas hablaban satisfactoriamente del remedio.

Así que lo único que me faltaba era encontrar el romero. Hay que tener cuidado ya que eso de ir cogiendo romero por ahí no es muy legal en estas tierras (creo que te pueden poner una multa por coger hierbas O.O, con lo rico que está el romero para un conejo asadito). Me consiguieron algunas ramas de romero (decir que no precisa de un almacenamiento especial, con tal de que no dejes que se sequen en exceso sobra).

La preparación:

Es muy sencillo. Llenamos una olla con agua, 1 litro o litro y medio, dependiendo de lo largo que tengamos el pelo.
Ponemos varias ramas de romero. Sed generosos pero sin pasaros. Y no separéis las hojitas porque luego es más difícil colarlo. Meted sin miedo las ramas enteras.
Poned a fuego máximo el agua con el romero, y esperad que hierva. Una vez hierva, bajad el fuego a medio y tapad la olla con una tapa.
Os dejará un olorcito muy agradable por toda la casa ^^.
Cuando veáis que el agua ha cogido un color marrón oscuro, está listo para apagar el fuego.
Dejad enfriar un poco. Y cuando podáis sacar las ramas sin quemaros, sacadlas. Os quedará un líquido marrón oscuro junto con hojitas sueltas al fondo.
Coged un colador y un embudo. Conseguid una botella vacía (de estas de agua). Y comenzad a verter el líquido en la botella colándolo.
Y ya tenéis vuestra solución mágica.


Muy sencillo. Una vez os hayais lavado la cabeza con vuestro champú diario, mascarilla etc, proceded a echar toda la mezcla por el pelo, insistiendo en las raíces con un masaje. No enjuaguéis (aseguraros de haberlo colado muy bien para que no os hayan quedado cachitos de hojas o tierrecilla del romero).
El pelo os quedará un con olor muy agradable, además de con brillo y usándolo varias veces cada vez que os lavéis el pelo, lo notaréis más fuerte y se os caerá menos.
A mi me ha funcionado incluso mejor que esos champús anticaída que anuncian en la televisión. El pelo dejó de caerse del todo, solo se caían 3 o 4 cabellos contados.

Nota: El romero os reavivará el castaño del cabello a aquellos que los tengáis castaños o negros. En el pelo rojo dejará un leve brillo dorado. Pero cuidado las rubias no vaya ser que se os oscurezca.

Y esto es todo! Tengo que conseguir más romero ya que ahora por el verano se me cae un poco, pero llevaba unos 6 meses sin que se callera nada de nada.
Espero que os sirva!!

viernes, 20 de agosto de 2010

Robot que vende helados!

Como no, Japón siempre nos sorprende, esta vez con un robot sonriente que vende helados. el robot se llama Yaskawa-kun ^.^
Os dejo el video, la canción es taaan monaaaaa

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Chat con J.K. rowling

Hace un tiempo (cuando salió Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte en inglés) J.K. Rowling concedió un chat en la página web de la editorial Bloomsbury donde ella respondería a varias preguntas que realizaban los fans en el momento. Fueron preguntas referentes al futuro del mundo mágico, al futuro de los personajes, aclaración de dudas y preguntas curiosas.
Si no leiste el último libro seguramente estas preguntas y respuestas sean un gran spoiler para ti, avisado quedas.

Aquí va la transcripción de las preguntas en inglés, las traduciré cuando pueda al español (ya que las traducciones que rondan por internet no me gustan >.<)

Ahi va: (Sacado de Leaky cauldron)

Transcript coming:

J.K. Rowling: I’m here and I can’t wait! Bring on the questions!

Leaky Cauldron: What, if anything, did the wizarding world learn, and how did society change, as a direct result of the war with voldemort? (i.E., not as a result of harry, ron and hermione’s future careers.)

J.K. Rowling: The Ministry of Magic was de-corrupted, and with Kingsley at the helm the discrimination that was always latent there was eradicated.

J.K. Rowling: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny et al would of course play a significant part in the re-building of wizarding society through their future careers.


Ryan Love: From your fans at thesnitch.Co.Uk. Weren’t we supposed to see ginny display powerful magical abilities in “deathly hallows” and find out why it’s significant that she’s the seventh child? Was her main role in the books only to be harry’s love interest?

J.K. Rowling: Hi Ryan! Well, I think Ginny demonstrated powerful magic in the final battle, and that for a sixteen year old witch she acquitted herself pretty well. I don’t remember ever saying that her ‘seventh child’ status would prove particularly

J.K. Rowling: important in the last book, though – are you sure I said that?!


Georgina: Did lucius malfoy, and all the other escaped death eaters, go back to azkaban

J.K. Rowling: No, the Malfoys weaseled their way out of trouble (again) due to the fact that they colluded (albeit out of self-interest) with Harry at the end of the battle.


Elisabeth: In the chapter of kings cross, are they behind the veil or in some world between the real world and the veil?

J.K. Rowling: You can make up your own mind on this, but I think that Harry entered a kind of limbo between life and death.


Renee: From reading about the original owners of the deathly hallows, the peverell brothers, i’m wondering if harry and voldermort are distantly related voldermorts grandfather ended up with the resurrection stone ring?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, Harry and Voldemort are distantly related through the Peverells.

J.K. Rowling: Of course, nearly all wizarding families are related if you trace them back through the centuries. As was made clear in ‘Deathly hallows’, Peverell blood would run through many wizarding families.


Fomy: What did you feel when you finally wrote the kiss, awaited so much by the fans, of ron and hermione

J.K. Rowling: I loved writing it, and I loved the fact that Hermione took the initiative!

J.K. Rowling: Ron had finally got SPEW and earned himself a snog!


Angela Morrissey: Why is it that albus dumbledore can see harry under his invisibility cloak at certain moments? (during the series is the cloak only infallible to those who do not own a deathly hallow).

J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore, who could perform magic without needing to say the incantation aloud, was using ‘homenum revelio’ -

J.K. Rowling: – the human-presence-revealing spell Hermione makes use of in Deathly Hallows.


Jamie Lewis: What ever happened to winky

J.K. Rowling: She’s still at Hogwarts, and she was one of the oncoming house-elves who attacked the Death Eaters in the final battle.


Katieleigh: Does hermione still continue to do work with spew and is life any better for house elves!

J.K. Rowling: Hermione began her post-Hogwarts career at the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

J.K. Rowling: where she was instrumental in greatly improving life for house-elves and their ilk. She then moved (despite her jibe to Scrimgeour) to the Dept. of Magical Law Enforcement

J.K. Rowling: where she was a progressive voice who ensured the eradication of oppressive, pro-pureblood laws.


Tineke: Did teddy grow up living with his grandmother?

J.K. Rowling: Yes, Teddy was raised by Andromeda.

J.K. Rowling: However, unlike Neville, who was also raised by his grandmother

J.K. Rowling: Teddy had his godfather, Harry, and all his father’s friends in the Order, to visit and stay with.


Blodeuwedd: Hi jk, first of all thank you for all the books I have enjoyed each and every one of them could you tell us what professions harry, hermione, ron, ginny and luna go on to have did the trio do their final year at school and take their newts who became hea

J.K. Rowling: Thank you! I’ve already answered about Hermione. Kingsley became permanent Minister for Magic, and naturally he wanted Harry to head up his new Auror department.

J.K. Rowling: Harry did so (just because Voldemort was gone, it didn’t mean that there would not be other Dark witches and wizards in the coming years).

J.K. Rowling: Ron joined George at Weasleys’ Wizarding Wheezes, which became an enormous money-spinner..

J.K. Rowling: After a few years as a celebrated player for the Holyhead Harpies, Ginny retired to have her family and to become the Senior Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet!


Camille: What or who is peeves exactly, is he linked with the blood barons story?

J.K. Rowling: No, Peeves is not linked to the bloody Baron’s story.

J.K. Rowling: He is a spirit of chaos that entered the building long ago and has proved impossible to eradicate!


Jessie: Were the deathly hallows based on any realworld myth or faerie tale

J.K. Rowling: Perhaps ‘the Pardoner’s Tale’, by Chaucer.


Alicepie: What happend to luna, did she get married who to?

J.K. Rowling: She ended up marrying (rather later than Harry & co) a fellow naturalist and grandson of the great Newt Scamander (Rolf)!


Rosi: What does in essence divided mean?

J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore suspected that the snake’s essence was divided – that it contained part of Voldemort’s soul, and that was why it was so very adept at doing his bidding.

J.K. Rowling: This also explained why Harry, the last and unintended Horcrux, could see so clearly through the snake’s eyes, just as he regularly sees through Voldemort’s.

J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore is thinking aloud here, edging towards the truth with the help of the Pensieve.


Superhans: What was duldeys worst memory?

J.K. Rowling: I think that when Dudley was attacked by the Dementors he saw himself, for the first time, as he really was. This was an extremely painful, but ultimately salutory lesson, and began the transformation in him.


Casey Kunze: Who killed remus and tonks I think if I knew this, I would get some closure over the very sad, but understandable, death of two of my favorite characters

J.K. Rowling: I’m so sorry! I met a couple on launch night who had come dressed as Lupin and Tonks, and I felt dreadfully guilty as I signed their books!

J.K. Rowling: Remus was killed by Dolohov and Tonks by Bellatrix.


Laura Trego: Was the absence of snapes portrait in the headmasters office in the last scene innocent or deliberate

J.K. Rowling: It was deliberate. Snape had effectively abandoned his post before dying, so he had not merited inclusion in these august circles.

J.K. Rowling: However, I like to think that Harry would be instrumental in ensuring that Snape’s portrait would appear there in due course.


Stephanie: If the wand chooses the wizard, then why do wands work when passed down from father to son eg neville had his fathers wand

J.K. Rowling: As established by Ollivander, a wizard can use almost any wand, it is simply that a wand that chooses him/her will work best. Where there is a family connection, a wand will work a little better than a wand chosen at random, I think.


James Farrell: How did umbridge manage to conjure a patronus while wearing the locket when harry wasnt able to

J.K. Rowling: Because she is a very nasty piece of work. She has an affinity for this horrible object, which would help rather than hinder her.


Tineke: What happened to percy did he return to his job at the ministry

J.K. Rowling: Yes, the new improved Percy ended up as a high-ranking official under Kingsley.


Su: How did neville get the gryfindor sword, is there a link to the hat

J.K. Rowling: Yes, there is very definitely a link to the hat!

J.K. Rowling: Neville, most worthy Gryffindor, asked for help just as Harry did in the Chamber of secrets, and Gryffindor’s sword was transported into Gryffindor’s old hat

J.K. Rowling: – the Sorting Hat was Gryffindor’s initially, as you know.

J.K. Rowling: Griphook was wrong – Gryffindor did not ‘steal’ the sword, not unless you are a goblin fanatic and believe that all goblin-made objects really belong to the maker.


Steph: Will azkaban still use dementors?

J.K. Rowling: No, definitely not. Kingsley would see to that. The use of Dementors was always a mark of the underlying corruption of the Ministry, as Dumbledore constantly maintained.


Smallbutpowerful: On behalf of all harry potter fans who consider themselves to be hufflepuffs could you please describe the hufflepuff common room as it is the only common room harry hasn’t visited

J.K. Rowling: The Hufflepuff common room is accessed through a portrait near the kitchens, as I am sure you have deduced.

J.K. Rowling: Sorry – I should say ‘painting’ rather than portrait, because it is a still-life.

J.K. Rowling: It is a very cosy and welcoming place, as dissimilar as possible from Snape’s dungeon. Lots of yellow hangings, and fat armchairs, and little underground tunnels leading to the dormitories, all of which have perfectly round doors, like barrel tops.


Camille: How is george getting along without his twin

J.K. Rowling: Well, I don’t think that George would ever get over losing Fred, which makes me feel so sad. However, he names his first child and son Fred, and he goes on to have a very successful career, helped by good old Ron.


Jessica Lynn: Did hagrid have to be able to see thestrals in order to train them if so, whose death did hagrid witness

J.K. Rowling: Hagrid has seen many deaths in quite a long life, so yes, he can see Thestrals.


Allie: What did dumbledore truly see in the mirror of erised

J.K. Rowling: He saw his family alive, whole and happy – Ariana, Percival and Kendra all returned to him, and Aberforth reconciled to him.


Snapedinhalf: You promised that someone will do magic late in life in book 7. I’ve now read it three times but cant work out who it might have been! Please help!!

J.K. Rowling: I’m sorry about this, but I changed my mind!

J.K. Rowling: My very earliest plan for the story involved somebody managing to get to Hogwarts when they had never done magic before, but I had changed my mind by the time I’d written the third book.


Christiana: How did voldemort get his wand back after he was in was exile

J.K. Rowling: Wormtail, desperate to curry favour, salvaged it from the place it had fallen and carried it to him. I admit that would have been a bit of a feat for a rat, but they are highly intelligent creatures!


Amanda: Hiya, ive grown up with harry and the gang, did any of the characters change in any unexpected ways as they grew up

J.K. Rowling: They all became pretty much what I expected/planned them to become.

J.K. Rowling: Of course they changed as I wrote, but nobody surprised me very much!


Ravleen: How much does the fact that voldemort was conceived under a love potion have to do with his nonability to understand love is it more symbolic

J.K. Rowling: It was a symbolic way of showing that he came from a loveless union – but of course, everything would have changed if Merope had survived and raised him herself and loved him.

J.K. Rowling: The enchantment under which Tom Riddle fathered Voldemort is important because it shows coercion, and there can’t be many more prejudicial ways to enter the world than as the result of such a union.


Lechicaneuronline: Do you think snape is a hero

J.K. Rowling: Yes, I do; though a very flawed hero. An anti-hero, perhaps. He is not a particularly likeable man in many ways. He remains rather cruel, a bully, riddled with bitterness and insecurity – and yet he loved, and showed loyalty to that love

J.K. Rowling: and, ultimately, laid down his life because of it. That’s pretty heroic!


James Farrell: Voldemort never told anyone about his horcruxes, so how on earth did regulus black discover his secret

J.K. Rowling: Horcrux magic was not Voldemort’s own invention; as is established in the story, other wizards had done it, though never gone as far as to make six.

J.K. Rowling: Voldemort dropped oblique hints; in his arrogance, he did not believe anybody would be clever enough to understand them.

J.K. Rowling: (He does so in the graveyard of Little Hangleton, in front of Harry). He did this before Regulus and Regulus guessed, correctly, what it was that made Voldemort so convinced he could not die.


Jaclyn: Did lily ever have feelings back for snape

J.K. Rowling: Yes. She might even have grown to love him romantically (she certainly loved him as a friend) if he had not loved Dark Magic so much, and been drawn to such loathesome people and acts.


Boggo: Would you choose the hallow that is the cloak, like youre supposed to, and would you be tempted to use the others

J.K. Rowling: My temptation would be Harry’s, ie, the Stone. But I believe, as does Harry ultimately, that the greatest wisdom is in accepting that we must all die, and moving on.


Cornersoul: So what happens to all the dementors where will they go will they be destroyed if so, how

J.K. Rowling: You cannot destroy Dementors, though you can limit their numbers if you eradicate the conditions in which they multiply, ie, despair and degradation. As I’ve already said, though,

J.K. Rowling: the Ministry no longer used them to torment its opponents.


Michael: Why didnt fawkes come back to help harry I would have thought that since harry was so loyal to dumbledore, fawkes would have been harrys new pet

J.K. Rowling: Something had to leave the school for good when Dumbledore died, and I decided that would be Fawkes. Dumbledore was a very great and irreplacable man, and the loss of Fawkes (and the fact that he was ‘non-transferable’!) expresses this symbolically


Roseweasley: Why was colin creavey still a student at hogwarts when he was muggleborn surely he would have been locked up and interogated, not allowed back to school therefore, he shouldnt have died

J.K. Rowling: Colin wasn’t a student. He sneaked back with the rest of the DA, along with Fred, George and the rest. He ought not to have stayed behind when McGonagall told him to leave, but alas – he did.


Delailah: How does dumbledore understand parseltongue?

J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore understood Mermish, Gobbledegook and Parseltongue. The man was brilliant.


Jessie: Will lockhart ever recover?

J.K. Rowling: No. Nor would I want him to. He’s happy where he is, and I’m happier without him!


Annie: Does the wizarding world now know that snape was dumbledores man, or do they still think he did a bunk

J.K. Rowling: Harry would ensure that Snape’s heroism was known.

J.K. Rowling: Of course, that would not stop Rita Skeeter writing ‘Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?’


Vio91: Is teddy lupin a werewolf

J.K. Rowling: No, he’s a Metamorphmagus like his mother


Nippy23: We see socks a lot throughout the series, such as dobby’s love for them and dumbledore’s claim to see them in the mirror of erised, what’s the reason behind all the socks

J.K. Rowling: Nothing deep and significant, I’m afraid. They’re just a comedy item.


Lady Bella: Whose murders did voldemor use to create each of the horcruxes

J.K. Rowling: The diary – Moaning Myrtle. The cup – Hepzibah Smith, the previous owner. The locket – a Muggle tramp. Nagini – Bertha Jorkins (Voldemort could use a wand once he regained a rudimentary body, as long as the victim was subdued).

J.K. Rowling: The diadem – an Albanian peasant. The ring – Tom Riddle snr.


Sampotterish: Why did dumbledore want ron to keep his deluminator

J.K. Rowling: Because he knew that Ron might need a little more guidance than the other two.

J.K. Rowling: Dumbledore understood Ron’s importance in the trio. He wasn’t the most skilled, or the most intelligent, but he held them together; his humour and his good heart were essential.


Carol: Do dementors have souls

J.K. Rowling: No, that’s what makes them frightening!


Jess Mac: What was the third smell that hermione smelt in the amortentia potion in hbp (ie the particular essence of ron)

J.K. Rowling: I think it was his hair. Every individual has very distinctive-smelling hair, don’t you find?


Natalie: Are house divisions as prevalaent in harry’s children’s hogwarts as in the previous generations

J.K. Rowling: Slytherin has become diluted. It is no longer the pureblood bastion it once was. Nevertheless, its dark reputation lingers, hence Albus Potter’s fears.


Nithya: Lily detested mulciber,averyif snape really loved her,why didnt he sacrifice their company for her sake

J.K. Rowling: Well, that is Snape’s tragedy. Given his time over again he would not have become a Death Eater, but like many insecure, vulnerable people (like Wormtail) he craved membership of something big and powerful, something impressive.

J.K. Rowling: He wanted Lily and he wanted Mulciber too. He never really understood Lily’s aversion; he was so blinded by his attraction to the dark side he thought she would find him impressive if he became a real Death Eater.


Alborz: What does it mean to be the master of death

J.K. Rowling: As Dumbledore explains, the real master of Death accepts that he must die, and that there are much worse things in the world of the living.

J.K. Rowling: It is not about striving for immortality, but about accepting mortality.


Barbara: I was very disappointed to see harry use crucio and seem to enjoy it his failure to perform that kind of curse in the past has been a credit to his character why the change, and did harry later regret having enjoyed deliberately causing pain

J.K. Rowling: Harry is not, and never has been, a saint. Like Snape, he is flawed and mortal.

J.K. Rowling: Harry’s faults are primarily anger and occasional arrogance.

J.K. Rowling: On this occasion, he is very angry and acts accordingly. He is also in an extreme situation, and attempting to defend somebody very good against a violent and murderous opponent.


Nicole: What do you think is the funniest moment you have written in the series

J.K. Rowling: It sounds very vain to answer this! My favourite in this book is probably that line of Ron’s ‘really captures the scope and tragedy of the thing, doesn’t it?’


Courtney: What child did harry give the marauders map to if any

J.K. Rowling: I’ve got a feeling he didn’t give it to any of them, but that James sneaked it out of his father’s desk one day.


Karin: What did petunia wanted to say to hary at the end of the dursleys departing

J.K. Rowling: I think that for one moment she trembled on the verge of wishing Harry luck; that she almost acknowledged that her loathing of his world, and of him, was born out of jealousy.

J.K. Rowling: But she couldn’t do it; years of pretending that ‘normal’ was best had hardened her too much.


Leaky Cauldron: Please pose and answer the question you’d most like to address about the series! (a ha, turned it back on you.)

J.K. Rowling: Oooo, you’re tough.

J.K. Rowling: I must admit, I always wondered why nobody ever asked me what Dumbledore’s wand was made of!

J.K. Rowling: And I couldn’t say that, even when asked ‘what do you wish you’d been asked…’ because it would have sign-posted just how significant that wand would become!


Nora: Is auntie muriels tiara important

J.K. Rowling: No, sorry… except to illustrate what an old bat she is.


Nigel: Can harry speak parseltongue when he is no longer a horcrux?

J.K. Rowling: No, he loses the ability, and is very glad to do so.


Nikki: How did sirius twoway mirror end up with aberforth or is it another twoway mirror

J.K. Rowling: You see Aberforth meeting Mundungus in Hogsmeade. That was the occasion on which Dung, who had taken Sirius’s mirror from Grimmauld Place, sold it to Aberforth.


Tierney Roth: If moody got a magic eye, and wormtail got a magic hand, couldnt there be some way to form a magical ear, if only to cover up the hole and make george look more symmetrical

J.K. Rowling: Yes, he could wear a false ear (I’m starting to giggle at the thought. Perhaps he’s better off with the hole!)


Lucy: What is dumbledores boggart?

J.K. Rowling: The corpse of his sister


Pablo: What is toadface umbridge doing now

J.K. Rowling: Glad to see you like her as much as I do!

J.K. Rowling: She was arrested, interrogated and imprisoned for crimes against Muggleborns.


Tina: Do the muggles notice that there arent any weird things going on now that voldemorts gone

J.K. Rowling: Yes, the world seems a much sunnier place (literally – with the Dementors gone the weather gets better!)

J.K. Rowling: We are having a heavily Dementor-influenced summer here in the UK.


Katie Mosher: How exactly do muggleborns receive magical ability

J.K. Rowling: Muggle-borns will have a witch or wizard somewhere on their family tree, in some cases many, many generations back. The gene re-surfaces in some unexpected places.


Maggie: Is rita skeeter still reporting

J.K. Rowling: Naturally, what could stop Rita? I imagine she immediately dashed off a biography of Harry after he defeated Voldemort. One quarter truth to three quarters rubbish.


Maggie Keir: Was hermione able to find her parents and undo the memory damage

J.K. Rowling: Yes, she brought them home straight away.


Lola Victorpujebet: Was minerva in love with albus

J.K. Rowling: No! Not everybody falls in love with everybody else…


Rachel Nell: Jkr, thank you for such amazing books! I would like to know how come noone seemed to know that lily and snape were friends in school they were obviously meeting for chats, etc didnt james know their past

J.K. Rowling: Thank you for your thank you!

J.K. Rowling: Yes, it was known that they were friendly and then stopped being friends. Nothing more than that would be widely known.

J.K. Rowling: James always suspected Snape harboured deeper feelings for Lily, which was a factor in James’ behaviour to Snape.


Abbey: Will the chuddley cannons ever win the quidditch world cup

J.K. Rowling: Bless them, perhaps. But they’d need to replace the entire team and down several cauldrons of Felix Felicitas.


Hayleyhaha: Why did regulus have a change of heart

J.K. Rowling: He was not prepared for the reality of life as a Death Eater. It was Voldemort’s attempted murder of Kreacher that really turned him.


Stephval: Is scorpius as misguided as his father, or has draco improved and taught his child(ren) better

J.K. Rowling: Scorpius has a lot going against him, not least that name. However, I think Scorpius would be an improvement on his father, whom misfortune has sobered!

[The previous question was posed after the answer appeared.]

J.K. Rowling: Sorry, technical hitch – just answered a question before seeing it!

J.K. Rowling: I am clearly getting better at Legilimency.


Lona: Did draco and harry lose their animosity towards eachother when voldemort died

J.K. Rowling: Not really. There would be a kind of rapprochement, in that Harry knows Draco hated being a Death Eater, and would not have killed Dumbledore; similarly, Draco would feel a grudging gratitude towards Harry for saving his life.

J.K. Rowling: Real friendship would be out of the question, though. Too much had happened prior to the final battle.


Hannah: Why was snape so badly groomed

J.K. Rowling: Hmm. Good question. Poor eyesight? Did he look in the mirror and believe he was gorgeous as he was?

J.K. Rowling: I think it more likely that he valued other qualities in himself!

J.K. Rowling: I think not. I imagine that it was squashed into the ground by a centaur’s hoof as the centaurs dashed to the aid of the Hogwarts fighters, and thereafter became buried.


Adwait313: Has the jinx on the dada teaching post at hogwarts been lifted

J.K. Rowling: Yes, at last! Incidentally, I know some have asked about Quirrell with regard to this question.

J.K. Rowling: He was teaching at Hogwarts for more than a year, but NOT in the post of D.A.D.A. teacher. He was previously Muggle Studies professor.


Emily: What ever happened to aberforth

J.K. Rowling: He is still there, at the Hog’s Head, playing with his goats.


Lee: I recently purchsed nimbus twothousand it has a terrible knack of veering left is their anything I can do (wihout the use of a wand it was broken by a hippogriff) to repair it back to it original straight flying state

J.K. Rowling: Hm. I would advise a trip to Arkie Alderton’s Kwik-Repair Shop. Never attempt to mend a broom at home, the consequences can be disastrous.


Abjoppotter: Is narcissa malfoy really a death eater

J.K. Rowling: No, she never had the Dark Mark and was never a fully paid-up member. However, her views were identical to those of her husband until Voldemort planned the death of her son.


Emzzy: Did mr weasley ever get around to fixing sirius motorbike

J.K. Rowling: Of course, and it ended up in Harry’s possession.


Lulu: Do you think dumbledore was a little more fond of ron than either ron or harry believed

J.K. Rowling: Yes, I do. Through Harry’s account of Ron, and from reports of the professors who taught Ron, Dumbledore understood Ron better than Ron ever knew, and liked him, too.


Chelatina: Was firenze ever welcomed back into the herd

J.K. Rowling: Yes, the rest of the herd was forced to acknowledge that Firenze’s pro-human leanings were not shameful, but honourable.


Kristy: What was your favorite scene to write in deathly hallows?

J.K. Rowling: Chapter 34: The Forest Again.


Chely: James patronus is a stag and lilys a doe is that a coincidence?

J.K. Rowling: No, the Patronus often mutates to take the image of the love of one’s life (because they so often become the ‘happy thought’ that generates a Patronus).


Jon: Since voldemort was afraid of death, did he choose to be a ghost if so where does he haunt or is this not possible due to his horcruxes

J.K. Rowling: No, he is not a ghost. He is forced to exist in the stunted form we witnessed in King’s Cross.


Angela Morrissey: Were there seven horcruxes not six as dumbledore intimated to harry if so, does this mean that voldemort had an 8 part soul not a 7

J.K. Rowling: Yes, Voldemort accidentally broke his soul into eight parts, not seven.


Laura Trego: Did hermione really put a memory charm on her parents she says she did but then about 50 pages later tells ron shes never done a memory charm

J.K. Rowling: They are two different charms. She has not wiped her parents’ memories (as she later does to Dolohov and Rowle); she has bewitched them to make them believe that they are different people.


Maura: How come voldemort was no longer employing occlumency against harry, as he was in the 6th book

J.K. Rowling: He is losing control, and unable to prevent Harry seeing into his mind. The connection between them is never fully understood by Voldemort, who does not know that Harry is a Horcrux.


Gandalfxj9: Did krum ever find love

J.K. Rowling: Of course, though he had to go back to his native Bulgaria to do so.


Twinkletoes: Why did you feel that hedwigs death was necessary

J.K. Rowling: The loss of Hedwig represented a loss of innocence and security. She has been almost like a cuddly toy to Harry at times. Voldemort killing her marked the end of childhood. I’m sorry… I know that death upset a LOT of people!


Lecanard: Will we see harry and his friends having their own history on chocolate frogs cards

J.K. Rowling: Definitely, and Ron will describe this as his finest hour.


Mike: What is the incantation for creating a horcrux

J.K. Rowling: I cannot possibly tell you. Some things are better left unsaid.


Samantha: Was snape the only death eater who could produce a full patronus

J.K. Rowling: Yes, because a Patronus is used against things that the Death Eaters generally generate, or fight alongside. They would not need Patronuses.


Jess: How did nagini could see harry and hermione if they were under the invisibility cloak

J.K. Rowling: Snakes’ sense are very different from human ones. They can detect heat and movement in a way that we can’t.


Chucky: Have you had another alternatives as book title apart from deathly hallows

J.K. Rowling: The two other possibilities were ‘the Elder Wand’ (used instead as a chapter title) and ‘the Peverell Quest’, which I decided against quite quickly. I think the word ‘Quest’ is a bit corny!


Iglooanne: What would your patronus be

J.K. Rowling: I’d like an otter, like Hermione, but I’ve got a feeling it might be a large dog.


The Stoic Cycle: Why is it that voldemort is unaware that the gaunt ring is a hallow, when he has worn it (such as in the memory the diary shows harry in book 2)

J.K. Rowling: Wearing the ring would not make the stone work. The stone existed outside the ring originally, and to use it you had to turn it three times in your hand.


Finchburg: Does the dark mark remain on those that voldemort has branded after his death or does the tattoo dissapear now he is gone thanks for considering my question!

J.K. Rowling: My pleasure, Finchburg! The Dark Mark would fade to a scar, not dissimilar to the lightning scar on Harry’s forehead.

J.K. Rowling: Like Harry’s, these scars would no longer burn or hurt.


Katie Mosher: How is the quibbler doing these days

J.K. Rowling: Pretty well, actually. It has returned to its usual condition of advanced lunacy, and is appreciated for its unintentional humour.


Camille: Dear mrs rowling, while im here I want to thank you for making me laugh, cry (a lot! Most of all for sirius!) since im 11 quite a long time for me as im 20 harrys magic and yours will be with me forever! Thanks!

J.K. Rowling: Thank you very much, Camille, and I’m sorry about Sirius. That man’s got a lot of fans.

J.K. Rowling: Mostly female, I might add.


Nicofr: Does winky still drink a lot of butterbear

J.K. Rowling: She’s dried out a bit now.


Isabel: Did bellatrix ever love her husband, or did she have love only for voldemort

J.K. Rowling: She took a pureblood husband, because that was what was expected of her, but her true love was always Voldemort.


jenny: How did snape keep his patronus secret from the rest of the order?

J.K. Rowling: He was careful not to use the talking Patronus means of communication with them. This was not difficult, as his particular job within the Order, ie, as spy, meant that sending a Patronus to any of them might have given away his true allegiance.


Darchey: Did voldemort ever love a girl

J.K. Rowling: No, he loved only power, and himself. He valued people whom he could use to advance his own objectives.


Leo: What would your wand be made of

J.K. Rowling: I’d like Harry’s wand – holly and phoenix feather.


Brian: Did the da keep the coins?

J.K. Rowling: Naturally. They would be like badges or medals of honour – proof that the owner had been at the heart of the fight against Voldemort from the start! I like to imagine Neville showing his to his admiring pupils.


Tracie: How relieved are you that you can finally talk about the series no more secretkeeping!

J.K. Rowling: I’m elated! It is great to be able to do this at last, I’ve looked forward to it for so long!


Lou: How did snape get into grimmauld place to get the second half of the letter, if there were protection spells on the house stopping snape getting in

J.K. Rowling: Snape entered the house immediately after Dumbledore’s death, before Moody put up the spells against him.


Koen Van Der Voort: Why is the scar on harrys forehead lightning shaped

J.K. Rowling: To be honest, because it’s a cool shape. I couldn’t have my hero sport a doughnut-shaped scar.


Louie: Did mariettas pimply formation ever fade

J.K. Rowling: Eventually, but it left a few scars. I loathe a traitor!


Katie B: Why was kings cross the place harry went to when he died

J.K. Rowling: For many reasons. The name works rather well, and it has been established in the books as the gateway between two worlds, and Harry would associate it with moving on between two worlds (don’t forget that it is Harry’s image we see, not necessarily

J.K. Rowling: what is really there.

J.K. Rowling: We seem to have over-run. We’ve had over 120,000 questions, I’ve been told!

J.K. Rowling: What can I say? Thank you so much for sticking with me, and with Harry, for so long. You have made this an incredible journey for Harry’s author.

J.K. Rowling: I like this question, so I’ll take it for my last.


Tess: What muggle song do you imagine would be played at dumbledores funeral

J.K. Rowling: Surely ‘I did it my way’ by Frank Sinatra.


J.K. Rowling: I’m very aware I haven’t answered everything… keep an eye on my website, and I’ll try and answer some more questions in due course!

J.K. Rowling: Thanks very much everybody, I’ve had a great time, and I hope I’ve covered some of the outstanding questions (I hear a distant roar of ‘YOUDIDN’T GET TO MINE!’)

J.K. Rowling: That’s it… I’m Disapparating. Bye!

Y aquí acaba la transcripción ^.^